Scotch-Brite™ Precision Heavy Duty Surface Conditioning Discs are a heavy-duty option designed for durability, long product life, and consistent performance. An extension of 3M’s Precision Surface Conditioning Disc family, these discs are ideal for high-pressure applications, such as grinding, deburring, edge breaking, blending, and refining, lasting longer than competitive premium nonwoven abrasives while offering edge durability and shape retention during edge wear; grade XXCRS (60+) lasts 2X longer on mild steel and finishes 3X more mild steel parts compared to competitive premium nonwoven abrasives (based on 3M Internal Testing). The key to this disc’s enhanced performance is 3M Precision-Shaped Grain technology, a proprietary molecular bonding technology designed with sharp, angular structures that continuously fracture to form sharp points. Scotch-Brite™ Precision Heavy Duty Surface Conditioning Discs are available in MED (150+), CRS (120+), XCRS (80+), and XXCRS (60+).
The cutting performance of 3M Precision-Shaped Grain is only half of the equation for what makes Scotch-Brite™ Precision Heavy Duty Surface Conditioning Discs so effective. The other element to their construction is tried-and-true Scotch-Brite™ Nonwoven Web Technology, which is made from nylon and abrasive mineral and strengthened with resin. The fibers and sharp abrasive particles are bound together to form an open, three-dimensional structure that allows fresh abrasive to be exposed as the disc wears, resulting in longer life and more consistent performance. This combination of cutting power and anti-load technology help extend the life of the abrasive product while improving finish consistency. Choose Scotch Brite™ Precision Heavy Duty Surface Conditioning Discs to complement, elevate, and enhance your finishing process.
Maximálna rýchlosť | 10000 rpm |
Minerál | Presne tvarovaná keramika |
Odvetvia | Letectvo a kozmonautika, Potravinársky priemysel, Všeobecný priemysel, Produkty pre ťažký priemysel, Údržba, Spracovanie kovov, Strojárska výroba, Kovovýroba, Príprava laku, Preprava a ťažké vybavenie |
Podkladový materiál | Netkané |
Pododvetvia | Nábytok, Letectvo a kozmonautika, Úžitkové a špeciálne vozidlá, Produkty pre ťažký priemysel, Kovovýroba, Spracovanie kovov, Železnice |
Použitie | Sceľovanie, Matovanie rohov, Odihlovanie, Zahladenie hrán, Skosenie hrán, Finálna povrchová úprava, Ľahké odstraňovanie otrepov, Jemné brúsenie, Príprava kovu pred lakovaním, Čistenie, Odstránenie škrabancov, Príprava povrchu, Príprava povrchu na lakovanie, Zjednocovanie zvarov |
Značky | Scotch-Brite™ |
Zrno | 60+ |
zrnitosť | X-extra hrubý |
Celkový priemer (metricky) | 152.4 milimeter |