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  6. 3M™ Finesse-it™ Pneumatic Rotary Buffer, 65994, 76 mm, 1 ea/Case

3M™ Finesse-it™ Pneumatic Rotary Buffer, 65994, 76 mm, 1 ea/Case

  • 3M ID 7100307284
  • UPC 00068060663542

Small, easy-to-use pneumatic rotary buffer for the polishing step when repairing small defects on paint and clearcoat surfaces

Lightweight design allows for polishing in hard-to-reach places

For best results, use in conjunction with our 3M™ Finesse-it™ polishes and buffing pads

Zobraziť viac detailov


  • Small, easy-to-use pneumatic rotary buffer for the polishing step when repairing small defects on paint and clearcoat surfaces
  • Lightweight design allows for polishing in hard-to-reach places
  • For best results, use in conjunction with our 3M™ Finesse-it™ polishes and buffing pads
  • Excellent option for complete 3M paint repair systems

The 3M™ Finesse-it™ Pneumatic Rotary Buffer is a small, powerful tool for the polishing step when removing defects on painted surfaces. This lightweight buffer is ideal for polishing small areas, keeping repair size to a minimum.

Typical Properties

Podobné produkty

Maximálny prietok vzduchu 22 SCFM
Na maximálny priemer podložky (metrické jednotky) 31.75 milimeter
Obsahuje podložku 3M™ Finesse-it™ Roloc™ Sanding Pad 02345
Odvetvia AOEM, Automobilový priemysel, Letectvo a kozmonautika, Námornické produkty, Preprava a ťažké vybavenie, Príprava laku, Spracovanie dreva
Pododvetvia Nábytok
Použitie Finálna povrchová úprava, Leštenie, Oprava bodovej chyby
Priemer orbity (metrické jednotky) 76 milimeter
Typ brúsneho nadstavca Roloc™
Typ produktu Rotačná leštička
Výkon motora (W) .35 (261)
Zdroj napájania Pneumatické
Značky Finesse-it™
Závit prívodu vzduchu 1/4 in - 18 in NPT