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  5. Sieťované kotúče
  6. 3M™ Cubitron™ ll Net Disc, 31644, 180+, 203 mm, 25 Discs/Carton, 6Cartons/Case

3M™ Cubitron™ ll Net Disc, 31644, 180+, 203 mm, 25 Discs/Carton, 6Cartons/Case

  • Číslo dielu 31644
  • 3M ID 7100249792

Fast-cutting, long-lasting net discs are built with patented 3M™ Cubitron™ II precision-shaped grains.

They help dust extractors achieve their best-possible performance – whether it is a self-generating-vacuum sander, a central vacuum system or a portable dust extractor

The patented triangular-shaped mineral grains on the discs slice through substrates rather than gouging or “plowing” like conventional abrasive grains, helping the disc run cooler, cut faster, and last longer

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  • Fast-cutting, long-lasting net discs are built with patented 3M™ Cubitron™ II precision-shaped grains
  • They help dust extractors achieve their best-possible performance – whether it is a self-generating-vacuum sander, a central vacuum system or a portable dust extractor
  • The patented triangular-shaped mineral grains on the discs slice through substrates rather than gouging or “plowing” like conventional abrasive grains, helping the disc run cooler, cut faster, and last longer
  • Available in grades from 80+ to 320+ and in the most-popular disc sizes, making them compatible with existing dust-extraction sanders
  • 3M™ Hookit™ hook-and-loop attachment makes it easy to install a new sheet or save a partially-used one
  • The centre hole in the 150mm discs allows for convenient storage in case of partial use
  • Combine with a 3M recommended sanding and dust extraction system to build your shop's ideal dust capture solution

3M™ Cubitron™ II Net Discs are fast-cutting and long-lasting family of net discs which delivers the exceptional cut rate and extended life of a Cubitron II abrasive. They’re designed to help dust extractors perform their best, leaving virtually no dust on the work surface or in the environment. Pair with a 3M recommended sanding and dust extraction system to create your shop’s ideal dust capture system.

Spend less time sanding with 3M™ Cubitron™ II Net Discs. Our fast-cutting, long-lasting net discs feature a mesh backing and sharp 3M™ Cubitron™ ll abrasive grains which combine to deliver our best-possible cut without sacrificing dust capture. They’re designed to work with standard dust extraction systems including portable dust extractors, central vacuum systems and sanders with attached bags. They’re available in grades from 80+ to 320+ to handle collision repair jobs from teardown to paint prep faster. Their long life means fewer stops to change abrasives, while their faster cut rate means you'll spend less time sanding. With 3M™ Cubitron™ II Net Discs, there’s no need to sacrifice performance for dust extraction. You don't have to settle for abrasives that don't make the cut, like those that start slow but don't last, or the ones that are cheaper per sheet but still keep adding to your bottom line. Combine with a 3M recommended sanding and dust extraction system to build your shop's ideal dust capture solution.

Typical Properties


Podobné produkty

Celkový priemer (metricky) 203 milimeter
Farba produktu Fialová
Maximálna rýchlosť 6000
Minerál Presne tvarovaná keramika
Odvetvia Námornické produkty, Armáda, Údržba, Automobilový priemysel, Poľnohospodárstvo, Nábytok, Špeciálne vozidlo, Doprava, Preprava a ťažké vybavenie, Spracovanie dreva, Stavebníctvo, Letectvo a kozmonautika, Všeobecný priemysel
Podkladový materiál Sieťka
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Produktová Kategória Kotúč
Substrát ABS, Všetky kovy, Hliník, Uhlíková oceľ, Číry lak, Kompozit, FRP, Sklolaminát, Gélová vrstva, Tvrdý kompozit, Tvrdé drevo, Mäkká oceľ, Neželezné kovy, PC, PMMA, Lak, Plastový, Polyuretán, Základný náter, SMC, Tesniace prípravky, Mäkký kompozit, Mäkké drevo, Oceľová, Vrchný náter, Biele drevo, Drevo
Typ pripojenia Suchý zips
Vedľajšie použitia Odstránenie škrabancov, Brúsny plnič, Odber materiálu, Povrchová úprava, Hrubé brúsenie, Odstránenie defektu, Oprava/vyrovnanie chýb, Brúsenie laku, Odstránenie náteru, Dokončovanie kontúr, Strojové brúsenie, Prebrusovanie pred náterom, Čistenie, Jemné brúsenie hrán, Plastové dokončovacie, Hrubé brúsenie hrán, Brúsenie Leštenie, Brúsenie kontúr, Vyhladzovanie okrajov povrchu, Tvarovanie plniča, Univerzálne brúsenie, Brúsenie medziproduktu, Viacúčelové brúsenie, Príprava laku, Odstraňovanie laku, Brúsenie laku, Odstraňovanie laku, Brúsenie základného náteru
Vybavenie – stroje Brúsky s dvoma funkciami, Ručné brúsenie, Valcové brúsky, Orbitálne brúsky
Značky Cubitron™
Zrno 180+