1. Slovensko
  2. Všetky výrobky 3M
  3. Pásky
  4. Textilné a montážne pásky
  5. Montážne pásky
  6. 3M™ super odolná páska Duct Tape DT17, cierna , 48 mm x 54,8 m, hrúbka 0,43 mm, 24 rolí v kartóne, individuálne balená

3M™ super odolná páska Duct Tape DT17, cierna , 48 mm x 54,8 m, hrúbka 0,43 mm, 24 rolí v kartóne, individuálne balená

  • 3M ID 7100158390
  • UPC 00689330172290

Ultra-thick, water-resistant backing resists wear and abrasion while still tearing easily by hand

Aggressive rubber adhesive grips instantly to a wide variety of surfaces, including metal, glass, plastic, and sealed concrete

Tightly woven scrim provides high tensile strength, which is ideal for bundling applications

Zobraziť viac detailov


  • Ultra-thick, water-resistant backing resists wear and abrasion while still tearing easily by hand
  • Aggressive rubber adhesive grips instantly to a wide variety of surfaces, including metal, glass, plastic, and sealed concrete
  • Tightly woven scrim provides high tensile strength, which is ideal for bundling applications
  • Rolls stay cleaner with low-tack roll sides
  • Available in black

Constructed of polyethylene film laminated to cloth with a synthetic/ natural rubber adhesive blend , this very thick and strong tape resists curling and tears off the roll cleanly even when used in the most demanding jobs. The 3M™ Super Duty Duct Tape DT17 is designed to provide maximum-strength and is a long-lasting solution for high stress applications.

Originally developed for heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) applications, duct tape is used today in a variety of maintenance, repair and construction settings. Due to its design, 3M™ Super Duty Duct Tape DT17 is considered a strong choice for the jobs where the thickest tape is necessary. 3M™ Super Duty Duct Tape DT17 is available exclusively in black. Its polyethylene backing can be torn from the roll to stick instantly. It bonds firmly to many surfaces including plastic, glass and sealed concrete. This tape is ideal for jobs requiring strength, wear resistance or protection of covered surfaces.

Typical Properties


Podobné produkty

Celková dĺžka (metricky) 32 Meter
Celková hrúbka pásky bez krycej vrstvy (metrické jednotky) 0.43 milimeter
Celková šírka (metricky) 48 milimeter
Doba skladovania 12 Mesiac
Farba produktu Čierna
Jednotiek na obal 24.0 Roll
Odvetvia Automobilový priemysel, Doprava, Stavebníctvo, Všeobecný priemysel
Podkladový materiál (nosič) Polyetylén/látková tkanina
Predĺženie pri pretrhnutí 18.0 Percent
Sila v ťahu (metrické jednotky) 66.5 N/100mm
Typ lepidla Zmes prírodného/syntetického kaučuku
Veľkosť jadra (metrické jednotky) 76.2 milimeter
Značky 3M™