1. Slovensko
  2. Všetky výrobky 3M
  3. Lepidlá, tmely a plniče
  4. Konštrukčné lepidlá
  5. Dvojzložkové konštrukčné lepidlá
  6. 3M™ uretánové lepidlo Scotch-Weld™ DP604NS, čierne, 48,5 ml, duálne balenie

3M™ uretánové lepidlo Scotch-Weld™ DP604NS, čierne, 48,5 ml, duálne balenie

  • 3M ID 7100148738
  • UPC 00638060089613

Fast-curing adhesive delivers tough bonds quickly

Non-sag properties for precise handling during application

Low-temperature flexibility provides opportunity for adjustments

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  • Fast-curing adhesive delivers tough bonds quickly
  • Non-sag properties for precise handling during application
  • Low-temperature flexibility provides opportunity for adjustments
  • Flexible adhesive that is great for multi-material bonding
  • The chemical reaction of the two components takes place in the static mixer

3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Urethane Adhesive 604 is a non-sag, two-component polyurethane adhesive. Rapid-setting, this urethane adhesive offers a fast, yet flexible solution that can be used for bonding dissimilar substrates, such as concrete, ceramic, wood, plastic, rubber and metal.

Bond construction materials together with 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Adhesive DP604NS. Our non-sag, two-component polyurethane adhesive that is fast-curing. It quickly establishes tough bonds and with low temperature flexibility. This adhesive dispenses as a non-sag paste for accurate and precise handling during application, and can be used for bonding dissimilar substrates, such as concrete, ceramic, wood, plastic, rubber and metal. With a 1:1 mix ratio, the adhesive has a 4-minute work life, cures in 6 hours and reaches handling strength in 20 minutes.

Typical Properties


Podobné produkty

Doba spracovateľnosti 4 minúty
Fyzická forma Tekutina
Jednotiek na obal 12.0
Objem 48.5 mL
Odvetvia Armáda a štátna správa, Doprava, Elektronika, Kompozit, Reklama, Spotrebný tovar, Spracovanie dreva, Spracovanie kovov, Všeobecný priemysel, Údržba, Špeciálne vozidlo
Použitie Lepenie, Nárazuvzdornosť, Tesnenie, Zalievanie, Zapuzdrenie
Problémy v oblasti dizajnu Absorpcia nárazu a otrasov, Kontrola vibrácií hluku a prenikavosti NVH
Skladovacia teplota (°C) 16°C - 27°C
Spracovateľnosť 4 minúty
Typ lepidla Urethane
Typ povrchu Drsný
Veľkosť kontajnera (metricky) 48.5 mL
Značky Scotch-Weld™
Úroveň výkonu Better
Čas na úplne vytvrdnutie 6 Hours @ 72 F (22 C)

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