Naša lepiaca páska 3M ™ 9672LE je všestranná transferová páska s priemerom 0,13 mm. Vďaka akrylátovému lepidlu 3M ™ 300LSE má táto páska dlhú a preukázanú históriu spoľahlivého spájania širokého spektra podobných a odlišných materiálov, ako sú kovy, väčšina plastov, sklo, papiere a lakované povrchy.
Versatile, Market Leading Performance For applications requiring premium performance and a thicker profile than our 2 mil tapes, use our versatile 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9672LE. This tape is a market leading solution for bonding plastics in a variety of applications across a broad spectrum of industries. It offers good chemical, humidity and moisture resistance, as well as performance across a wide temperature range. The bond strength increases as a function of time and temperature, and has very high initial adhesion. This tape is supplied on a printed 83 lb. polycoated kraft paper liner ideal for die-cutting and converting applications. The thicker liner assists with easy liner removal. Part of the 3M™ High Strength Acrylic Adhesive 300LSE family, this tape is manufactured using a solventless manufacturing process. 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9672LE meets UL 969 (reference file PGGU2.MH26206). Recommended Applications Consumer electronic device assemblies such as phones, tablets and wearable devices Industrial electronic device assemblies such as workstations Plastic assembly bonding in a variety of industries Various assemblies in the automotive industry Application and assembly of components on appliances Medical equipment and device fabrication General industrial applications such as trim attachment Excellent Adhesion to a Variety of Surfaces 3M™ High Strength Acrylic Adhesive 300LSE is an acrylic adhesive family designed to provide very high bond strength to most surfaces, including a wide variety of similar and dissimilar materials. This includes most plastics, metals, glass, papers and painted surfaces. It features good chemical, solvent, moisture and humidity resistance. This adhesive can perform at temperatures ranging up to 300°F/148°C. What are Adhesive Transfer Tapes? Adhesive transfer tapes are double sided tapes comprised of a uniform layer of pressure
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