1. Slovensko
  2. Všetky výrobky 3M
  3. Brúsivá
  4. Brúsne kotúče
  5. Rýchlo vymeniteľné kotúče
  6. 3M™ Roloc™ 787C, Fíbrový kotúč, 50 mm, 120+

3M™ Roloc™ 787C, Fíbrový kotúč, 50 mm, 120+

  • 3M ID 7100100964
  • UPC 00076308897048

Umožňuje intenzívne a rýchle brúsenie kovových povrchov, napríklad dielov z nehrdzavejúcej ocele a zliatin s vysokým podielom niklu

Technológia 3M Presne tvarovaného zrna umožňuje rýchlejšie brúsenie a je vynikajúca na náročné aplikácie

Pomocný brúsny prostriedok minimalizuje teploty vznikajúce pri brúsení zliatin citlivých na teplo

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  • Umožňuje intenzívne a rýchle brúsenie kovových povrchov, napríklad dielov z nehrdzavejúcej ocele a zliatin s vysokým podielom niklu
  • Technológia 3M Presne tvarovaného zrna umožňuje rýchlejšie brúsenie a je vynikajúca na náročné aplikácie
  • Pomocný brúsny prostriedok minimalizuje teploty vznikajúce pri brúsení zliatin citlivých na teplo
  • Reduce costs with long lasting abrasive - completes more parts than conventional discs
  • Durable and tear resistant
  • 3M™ Roloc™ attachment locks disc securely into place, no tools required
  • 3M™ Roloc™ attachment locks disc securely into place, no tools required

3M™ Roloc™ 787C, Fíbrový kotúč je vybavený najmodernejšou brúsnou technológiou 3M Presne tvarovaného zrna. Tento kotúč má pevný fíbrový podklad a odolné živicové spojivo, ktoré zaisťuje vysokú trvácnosť a odolnosť proti roztrhnutiu. Súčasťou kotúča je pomocný brúsny prostriedok.

Engineered for ultra-rapid cut, 3M™ Roloc™ Fibre Disc 787C features 3M Precision Shaped Grain. Our discs are durable and tear resistant. Their stiff fibre backing and strong resin bond, along with premier abrasive grain enables operators to complete more parts per disc and requires fewer disc changes. These discs come with a grinding aid which keeps the disc and workpiece cool, further prolonging disc life. 787C discs make an excellent choice for weld removal, blending, and finish refinement on stainless steel and high nickel alloys. For an outstanding cut, durability, and ease of use, 787C are a major step up in performance over conventional fibre discs. The advanced solution for challenging applications Balance cost and output by selecting the abrasive with precisely the right amount of cut and life. 3M Roloc Fibre Disc 787C contains the exact amount of precision shaped grain (PSG) you need to optimise the balance of speed and longevity for challenging applications from grinding to deburring. The exceptional life and cut of the discs make them one of 3M’s best grinding discs for high production environments, providing significant gains over conventional fibre discs. With jobs where a higher-tier fibre disc could be under-utilised but productivity is still your bottom line, these fibre discs deliver outstanding throughput. They’re an excellent choice for a range of applications, including edge chamfering, bevelling, deburring, and weld removal. Step up production with 3M Precision Shaped Grain Developed for improved output on light to heavy stock removal, 3M Precision Shaped Grain lets operators finish tough tasks faster and with less fatigue. It wears evenly, and because the abrasive itself stays cooler and sharper, PSG abrasives last significantly longer than their conventional ceramic counterparts, ensuring extended high performance in production applications. To accomplish this level of performance, 3M engineers apply proprietary micro replication technology to create precise triangular structures of 3M™ Ceramic Abrasive Grain, and then electrostatically orient them on the backing to form sharp peaks. These ultra-sharp peaks slice cleanly through metal rather than gouging or ‘ploughing’ as conventional abrasives do, and continuously self-sharpen as the points break off. Roloc™ System enables easy tool attachment. The 787C fibre discs are available in 5.08 cm - 10.16 cm diameters for use with TSM and TR Roloc attachment systems. Please select discs with the attachment design made for your system. Tips for optimal use Fibre discs are heavy duty abrasives that feature a tough, stiff backing made from vulcanised fibre which resists wear, and can handle tough grinding applications. For optimal performance, the disc should be used with a 3M™ Roloc™ Disc Pad of the appropriate density for the application - a softer disc pad for lighter weight grinding applications, and a harder density disc pad for more heavy weight grinding applications. Using the correct pad for the application ensures that the abrasive mineral will re-sharpen, maximising the life of the abrasive. 3M engineered for peak productivity 3M Abrasives engineers know abrasive construction. For more than 100 years 3M has been a leading abrasive supplier for the metalworking and woodworking industries. 3M offers a complete line of high quality metalworking abrasive solutions to meet your tough jobs. The 787C fibre discs are designed to enable operators to take production to the next level by completing more work in less time. It is a prime example of how 3M science provides advanced solutions to help industrial businesses operate faster, better and more efficiently.

Typical Properties

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