1. Slovensko
  2. Všetky výrobky 3M
  3. Náradie a vybavenie
  4. Držiaky a podložky
  5. 3M™ Clean Sanding tlmiace podložka 28323, 125 x 12,7 x 19 mm, 31 dier, 10 v balení

3M™ Clean Sanding tlmiace podložka 28323, 125 x 12,7 x 19 mm, 31 dier, 10 v balení

  • 3M ID 7100009701
  • UPC 00051141283234

Medium density foam provides additional flexibility on contours

Ideal for sanding curves, angles and contours

Applies effortlessly between Hookit™ discs and Hookit™ back-up pads for quick changeouts

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  • Medium density foam provides additional flexibility on contours
  • Ideal for sanding curves, angles and contours
  • Applies effortlessly between Hookit™ discs and Hookit™ back-up pads for quick changeouts
  • May include Clean Sanding hole configuration to clear dust from the work surface, increasing disc life

The 3M™ Interface Pad is our 1/2-inch thick, medium density foam pad that provides additional surface conformability when used with a 3M™ Hookit™ backup pad on a 3M™ Random Orbital Sander. The additional conformability helps when sanding critical surfaces with fine grade abrasives, after leveling and refining sanding steps are complete, but before final surface finishing steps.

Conformability Protects Your Tools and Your Work Surface
Placed between the backup pad and the abrasive disc or sheet, the 3M™ Interface Pad provides additional conformability when sanding rounds and profiles, and helps operators reach internal angles.

The Clean Sanding Option – No Alignment Required
Some of these interface pads are designed to work with our 3M Clean Sanding system to maximize dust extraction, and must be used with a 3M™ Clean Sanding Backup Pad on a self-generated or central vacuum tool. Our 3M™ Clean Sanding dust-management system evacuates dust from the work surface better than 5 or 6-hole products, dramatically increasing disc life and maximizing cut-rate. Optimized with a self-generated vacuum sanding tool fitted with a Clean Sanding filter bag (sold separately), or a when used with a central vacuum system, the Clean Sanding system provides dust extraction from the air surrounding the tool, as well as directly from the work surface. This reduces loading of the disc and adds life to the abrasive. Additionally, reducing dust in the air improves working conditions.

3M™ Clean Sanding Interface Pad is available for use with 5 inch Clean Sanding Disc Pads and discs or 3x4” Clean Sanding Pads and sheets. Both feature a unique multi-hole pattern designed to maximize dust evacuation, extending the abrasive's life, improving results and keeping the air clean as well. For maximum dust extraction when using 3M™ Clean Sanding Interface Pads, align the holes in the interface pad with the holes in the back up pad, when installing the interface pad. The unique, multi-hole design of 3M™ Clean Sanding Abrasive sanding discs do not require alignment on the backup pad or interface pad, further saving you time and hassle.

Typical Properties

Podobné produkty

Celková dĺžka (metricky) 1.27 cm
Celková hrúbka 12.7 milimeter
Celková šírka (metricky) 16.51 cm
Celkový priemer (metricky) 127 milimeter
Farba prednej časti Čierna
Hmotnosť 18.14 g
Hustota Stredná hodnota
Maximálna rýchlosť 12000 Metre za sekundu
Odvetvia Spracovanie dreva, Údržba, Primárny kov, Kompozit, Preprava a ťažké vybavenie, AOEM, Výroba rezných nástrojov, Príprava laku, Letectvo a kozmonautika, Spracovanie kovov, Všeobecný priemysel
Pododvetvia Zákazkové spracovanie dreva a frézovanie, Turbínové motory, Kovové implantáty, Pokovovanie a leštenie, Nábytok, Primárne spracovanie dreva a panelov, Stavebný hardvér, Kovovýroba, Inštalatérske armatúry, Stolárstvo, Lekárske nástroje
Počet otvorov 31
Priemer stredového otvoru (metrické jednotky) 19.05 milimeter
Typ Kontrola prachu
Typ brúsneho nadstavca Suchý zips
Typ háčika 3
Typ produktu Unášací kotúč
Značky 3M™