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  6. 3M™ Trizact™ Hookit™ Foam Abrasive 5000 Disc 443SA, 75 mm, 5000, 30362

3M™ Trizact™ Hookit™ Foam Abrasive 5000 Disc 443SA, 75 mm, 5000, 30362

  • Číslo produktu 3M 443SA
  • 3M ID 7000120106
  • UPC 00051131303621

Designed to refine 3000 grade sand scratches and thus reducing overall finishing time.

Always used damp, they deliver long life and less loading than dry sanding.

Allows technicians to refine paint scratches using a lighter dual-action sander instead of a heavier polisher.

Zobraziť viac detailov


  • Designed to refine 3000 grade sand scratches and thus reducing overall finishing time
  • Always used damp, they deliver long life and less loading than dry sanding
  • Allows technicians to refine paint scratches using a lighter dual-action sander instead of a heavier polisher
  • These 5000-grade foam discs are used as the next step after 3M™ Trizact™ 3000-grade sanding to further reduce the time required for compounding
  • Compared to traditional buffing, using 3M™ Trizact™ Abrasives for removing sand scratches can reduce the possibility of heavy swirl marks, burn through, and other defects caused by more aggressive processes

Spend less time compounding and enjoy less risk of defects by using 5000-grade 3M™ Trizact™ Hookit™ Foam Abrasives. Use these discs as the next step to refine 3000-grade scratches, to reduce compounding. 3M™ Trizact™ Abrasives are engineered for consistent cut and long life.

Technicians can spend less time managing a heavy polisher while delivering a fine, consistent finish by using 5000-grade 3M™ Trizact™ Hookit™ Foam Abrasive Discs for paint finishing. Use 3M™ Trizact™ 5000 foam discs for refining 3000-grade sand scratches on painted surfaces and clearcoats. Used damp, they deliver the anti-loading benefits of wet sanding without the productivity-reducing hydroplaning, which can happen when power sanding on overly wet surfaces. The foam backing provides plenty of control and consistent contact with the surface. Can be used with a soft interface pad for added conformability over curved surfaces. Their patented three-dimensional abrasive structures wear to reveal fresh, sharp mineral - continuously refreshing the abrasive so it delivers a fast cut and long life. When used with other 3M™ Trizact™ Abrasives and as part of a 3M™ Perfect-It™ Paint Finishing System, they can reduce overall finishing time.

Typical Properties

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