Spend less time compounding and enjoy less risk of defects by using 5000-grade 3M™ Trizact™ Hookit™ Foam Abrasives. Use these discs as the next step to refine 3000-grade scratches, to reduce compounding. 3M™ Trizact™ Abrasives are engineered for consistent cut and long life.
Technicians can spend less time managing a heavy polisher while delivering a fine, consistent finish by using 5000-grade 3M™ Trizact™ Hookit™ Foam Abrasive Discs for paint finishing. Use 3M™ Trizact™ 5000 foam discs for refining 3000-grade sand scratches on painted surfaces and clearcoats. Used damp, they deliver the anti-loading benefits of wet sanding without the productivity-reducing hydroplaning, which can happen when power sanding on overly wet surfaces. The foam backing provides plenty of control and consistent contact with the surface. Can be used with a soft interface pad for added conformability over curved surfaces. Their patented three-dimensional abrasive structures wear to reveal fresh, sharp mineral - continuously refreshing the abrasive so it delivers a fast cut and long life. When used with other 3M™ Trizact™ Abrasives and as part of a 3M™ Perfect-It™ Paint Finishing System, they can reduce overall finishing time.
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