1. Slovensko
  2. Všetky výrobky 3M
  3. Zdravotnícke výrobky
  4. Pásky a fólie pre zdravotnícke komponenty
  5. Optické pásky
  6. 3M™ Blue Chip Optical Lens Processing Protector 35mm, 1647, 2000/Roll

3M™ Blue Chip Optical Lens Processing Protector 35mm, 1647, 2000/Roll

  • 3M ID 7000002641

Easy to use during optical edging process

Protects the ophthalmic lens surface during laboratory processing or during shipping

Scratch prevention when cutting eye glass lenses

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  • Easy to use during optical edging process
  • Protects the ophthalmic lens surface during laboratory processing or during shipping
  • Scratch prevention when cutting eye glass lenses
  • Blue

This optical lens processing protector (1647) consists of 35mm round blue disks, which can be applied to both sides of lenses to prevent scratching during faceting, hand edging, drilling, polish edging, grooving and when shipping lenses.

For years 3M Optical processing products have been recognized by optical labs worldwide as the benchmark for quality and performance. 3M's lens surfacing tapes provide superior protection to the front side of the lens during processing . 3M's edging pads offer the industry’s best slip resistance, keeping lenses firmly in place during edging. 3M also offers a variety of processing aids to compliment its edging an surfacing portfolio.

Navrhované aplikácie
  • May be used in RX optic lens generating
  • Opthalmic Lens Shipping
  • Polish Edging
  • Material and / or technology for health care or medical device
  • Aids in general optical lens processing


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