3M™ Sun Control Window Films, Prestige Series provides the best balance between maximum light transmission and heat rejection. Our films feature nano-technology which significantly reduces heat while leaving the window appearance virtually unchanged.
Protect homes and offices from heat gain through windows and glazed doors with 3M™ Sun Control Window Films, Prestige Series. Our metal free solar window films provide the best balance between maximum light transmission and heat rejection. Featuring multi-layered, nanotechnology to reduce heat, they allow plenty of light in for a more comfortable environment. Their performance accelerates as the sun’s angle increases, which means the need for greater protection and comfort is met as required – rejecting up to 97% of the sun's infrared light, up to 60% of the heat coming through your windows, and helping to provide energy savings by reducing the use of air conditioning. These films block up to 99.9% of damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays to reduce fading in interiors and furnishings. They keep you cool, comfortable and won’t interfere with mobile phone, GPS and satellite radio reception.
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