3M™ Versaflo™ TR-600 Series Powered Air Respirator Systems

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Respiratory protection against dusts, mists, fumes and other particulate hazards, and a variety of gas and vapour hazards, including organic vapou, acid gas, inorganic gases, ammonia and mercury vapours

Three user selectable airflows with loose-fitting and tight-fitting options, enable the user to control flow settings to allow the user to find the setting they find most comfortable

Powered Air Respirators automatically adjust airflow to compensate for filter loading to deliver consistent filtered air during use

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  • Respiratory protection against dusts, mists, fumes and other particulate hazards, and a variety of gas and vapour hazards, including organic vapou, acid gas, inorganic gases, ammonia and mercury vapours
  • Three user selectable airflows with loose-fitting and tight-fitting options, enable the user to control flow settings to allow the user to find the setting they find most comfortable
  • Powered Air Respirators automatically adjust airflow to compensate for filter loading to deliver consistent filtered air during use
  • Audible, visual, and vibratory alerts for low airflow and low battery charge-level to keep you prepared and informed
  • High capacity battery option available for longer run time and reduced downtime
  • Available in convienient, easy to buy assemblies and kits

3M™ Versaflo™ TR-600 Powered Air Respirators are versatile and easy-to-use respiratory protection against certain gases and vapours and as well as particulates.

3M™ Versaflo™ TR-600 Powered Air Respirator Systems are engineered for versatility and customisation and offer a variety of headtops, breathing tubes, and accessories to create a customised Powered Air Respirator solution.

Typical Properties

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Podobné produkty

Typ opasku High Durability
Typ batérie Vysokokapacitné lítium-iónové – nenabíjateľné, Lithium-ion
Typ držiaka na hlavu Kapucňa, Sety s respirátorom
Typ produktu Súprava PAPR, Systémy PAPR, Jednotky s núteným obehom vzduchu
Typ ochrany Plyn, Časticový filter
Vrátane filtra Áno