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  6. 3M™ Safety and Security Window Films, Safety Exterior Series

3M™ Safety and Security Window Films, Safety Exterior Series

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Reduce hazards from shattered glass during natural disasters, vandalism and other impacts

Efficient solution to upgrade glazing to meet building safety standards

Blocks 99% of harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that cause fading, helping to extend the life of furnishings

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  • Reduce hazards from shattered glass during natural disasters, vandalism and other impacts
  • Efficient solution to upgrade glazing to meet building safety standards
  • Blocks 99% of harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that cause fading, helping to extend the life of furnishings
  • Increases security and provides added protection against smash and grab burglaries
  • Resistant to graffiti, vandalism, scratches and abrasions
  • Combine with 3M™ Impact Protection Attachment Systems for additional safety and security
  • Designed for both exterior and interior applications

3M™ Safety and Security Window Films, Safety Exterior Series is our series of exterior films that help to protect occupants against glass breakages and provides an economic and efficient way of upgrading glazing to meet building safety standards. They also offer superior protection against vandalism on glass, such as scratching and graffiti attacks.

Add security to glazed doors and windows with 3M™ Safety and Security Window Films, Safety Exterior Series. Glass doors and windows are among the most vulnerable points of entry into buildings and pose one of the greatest dangers to occupants when glass is broken. Our transparent window films are designed to hold broken glass in place and help prevent flying shards of glass from harming people and damaging property. By blocking 99% of ultraviolet (UV) rays, which is equivalent to 1000 sun protection factor (SPF), these films protect people from harmful UV rays, and furniture and interiors from fading. Overall performance of 3M™ Safety & Security Window Films can be improved by using 3M™ Impact Protection Attachment Systems. They can be used on both internal and external surfaces.


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