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3M™ Safety Stripe Tape 5702 is ideal for marking lanes, hazardous areas, protruding equipment, and low hanging objects in factories, warehouses, and hospitals. We use vivid, high visibility yellow and black diagonal stripes that lock into the vinyl to alert people about hazardous conditions.
Unlike non-adhesive caution or barricade tape, 3M™ Safety Tape features a rubber adhesive that sticks quickly to a variety of surfaces, and removes just as easily, leaving no messy residue. Flexible and abrasion resistant, it conforms around corners, curves and on uneven surfaces. Marks Lanes, Hazards and Safety Areas Our vinyl tapes are excellent for many general purpose applications, including safety markings, color coding, abrasion protection, masking, sealing, and splicing. Using vinyl tape for lane marking instead of painting eliminates the need to ventilate paint solvents. And since vinyl tapes can be removed quickly and cleanly, they are also a faster, more versatile and less costly option than painting. 3M Safety Stripe Tape 5702 Highlights: Easy to apply and sticks to any clean, dry surface Vinyl backing resists most common solvents for long lasting performance Vivid yellow and black diagonal stripes are locked into the tape for high visibility Conforms around curves, corners and on uneven surfaces
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