3M™ Hazard Warning Tape 766

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Use for taping in all non-critical applications

Conformable backing makes vinyl tape ideal for use on curved and irregular surfaces

Rubber adhesive provides good instant adhesion on many surfaces

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  • Use for taping in all non-critical applications
  • Conformable backing makes vinyl tape ideal for use on curved and irregular surfaces
  • Rubber adhesive provides good instant adhesion on many surfaces
  • Maintains vivid colour over time for long-lasting quality
  • Can be applied by hand or with floor applicator
  • Ideal for marking applications in light traffic areas

3M™ Hazard Warning Tape 766 is a black and yellow striped vinyl tape. Our tape is used for marking hazardous areas, protruding equipment, or preventing accidents in factories, warehouses and hospitals.

Identify and warn with 3M™ Hazard Warning Tape 766. Our tape is a distinctive yellow and black striped vinyl tape coated with a rubber adhesive and designed for use as a marking tape for a variety of warning applications. The rubber adhesive offers quick stick and good holding strength on many substrates. Unlike messy paint solutions, this vinyl tape is quick to install and easy to clean-up. Conformability and instant adhesion makes this product a good choice for marking and warning applications on floors, equipment, walls and pipes. Recommended applications: • Floor marking • Marking equipment pinch points • Temporary floor marking around spills • Safety markings Bright colours in difficult applications The tape features abrasion resistance to excel in light duty identification of equipment and parts. These features, combined with easy removal properties, often makes this product a faster, more versatile and less costly option than painting when used in marking and coding applications. Bringing better ideas to the surface through science and innovation The 3M Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division applies the science of adhesion to deliver innovative solutions that improve the design and manufacturing processes of companies around the world. In the end, these technologies help customers like you deliver competitive products to the market faster and more efficiently.

Typical Properties


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Podkladový materiál (nosič) Vinyl, PVC
Farba produktu Žltá/čierna
Typ lepidla Guma
Legenda Caution