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Tartan™ Box Sealing Tape 305 is a low noise light duty packaging tape suitable for light weight applications specifically in the food and beverage industry. The polypropylene film backing is easy to handle and resists abrasion, moisture and scuffing. The consistent and reliable backing easily conforms around edges and on rough surfaces for a tight seal.
Low Noise Light Duty Box Sealing Tape for Light Weight Applications. Tartan™ Box Sealing Tape 305 is a 46 micron tape, characterized by a general purpose biaxially oriented polypropylene film tape coated with pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive that offers reliability in light weight and price sensitive applications. Specifically designed to avoid typical unwinding noise, to withstand cold temperature applications and for easy handling and smooth dispensing by hand, by manual dispensers or with the 3M™-Matic Case Sealers. Recommended Applications cover: General industry, Food and beverage, Cold temperature applications, Cartons exposed to UV light and aging Tabbing. It adheres instantly and consistently to difficult surfaces including cartons containing high levels of recycled content. It offers good edge tear and split resistance.
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