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  5. Pásky na lepenie škatúľ
  6. Scotch® High Performance Box Sealing Tape 375E

Scotch® High Performance Box Sealing Tape 375E

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Absorbs impact shock

Get high moisture, abrasion and split resistance

Use on over-packed and heavy-weight packages for a tight seal

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  • Absorbs impact shock
  • Get high moisture, abrasion and split resistance
  • Use on over-packed and heavy-weight packages for a tight seal
  • Recommended for closing medium weight cartons
  • Absorb shocks

Scotch® High Performance Box Sealing Tape 375E is a high performance box sealing tape with a polypropylene film backing and hot melt solvent free (synthetic rubber-resin) adhesive. The Scotchpro™ polypropylene backing resists splitting when subjected to rough handling and absorbs impact shock.

The adhesive is specifically formulated to provide high moisture and abrasion resistance and high initial and shear adhesion to fibreboard.. Resists splitting when subjected to rough handling. This size is designed to be used as label protection also.

Typical Properties

Podobné produkty

Celková šírka (metricky) 50 milimeter
Celková hrúbka pásky bez krycej vrstvy (metrické jednotky) 0,073 milimeter
Podkladový materiál (nosič) Polypropylénová fólia
Farba produktu Transparentné
Celková dĺžka (metricky) 66 Meter, 990 Meter
Typ lepidla Syntetická kaučuková živica, Tavná kaučuková živica