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In order to address unique adhesive challenges, we developed 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Surface Insensitive Instant Adhesive SI1500. This is a high viscosity instant adhesive that bonds rough, porous, contaminated and acidic substrates including wood, cardboard, veneer, fabric, cork and leather. This "instant glue" is ideal for filling small gaps and its rapid cure time helps keep processes moving forward
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Surface Insensitive Instant Adhesive SI1500 is a surface insensitive cyanoacrylate. Surface insensitive instant adhesives are ideal for difficult-to-bond materials and surfaces. Some surfaces, like certain types of wood, are acidic or basic in nature, and will prevent a regular cyanoacrylate from curing. Normal cyanoacrylates cure in a neutral PH environment. Our product relies less on surface moisture for cure speed than standard cyanoacrylates and our high viscosity formula offers excellent gap filling capabilities. Its fast cure time makes it desirable for fast-paced industrial production processes. What are Instant Adhesives? Instant adhesives are Cyanoacrylate based formulas that are strong, fast-acting adhesives used in industrial, and household applications. In general, they are an acrylic or other chemical resin that rapidly polymerizes in the presence of water (specifically hydroxide ions), forming long, strong chains, joining the bonded surfaces together. Cyanoacrylates typically have a short shelf life. As a liquid, cyanoacrylate consists of monomers of cyanoacrylate molecules. Depending on the intended application or to facilitate easy handling, a cyanoacrylate adhesive may be formulated with an ingredient such as fumed silica to make it more viscous or gel-like. Because the presence of moisture causes the glue to set, exposure to normal levels of humidity in the air causes a thin skin to form within seconds, which greatly slows the reactive curing process. Because of this cyanoacrylate should be applied thinly, to ensure that the reaction proceeds rapidly and a strong bond is formed within a reasonable time. Instant adhesives from 3M apply right from the container and rapidly reach handling strength at room temperature. A single drop per square inch of 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Surface Insensitive Instant Adhesive SI1500 can bond many plastics, rubber, metal and more with tensile strength up to 2,900 psi.
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