3M™ brúsky s centrálnym vákuovým odsávaním sú pneumatické excentrické orbitálne brúsky, ktoré zaisťujú bezprašný nepretržitý profesionálny výkon v náročných priemyselných aplikáciách. Výkon je optimalizovaný, keď sa brúska používa spoločne s brúsnymi nástrojmi a príslušenstvom 3M.
Use 3M™ Elite Central-Vacuum-Ready Random Orbital Sanders to optimise the performance of 3M abrasives. Our sanders are built with a powerful, precision balanced air-driven motor and durable lightweight aluminium housing which reduces fatigue. These sanders can be connected to a central vacuum system or used with an external portable vacuum such as a shop vacuum. They have a threaded attachment feature that enables easy, secure attachment and detachment of a 1" external threaded vacuum hose (sold separately) to significantly reduce dust from the workpiece as well as the surrounding area. A recessed lever platform eliminates pinch and pressure points on the operator's palm. Three grip sizes enable operator preference, the grip diameter on the tool is 2-3/4” with two additional grip sizes available (diameters of 2-1/2” and 3” sold separately). An extended curved wrist rest reduces stress on the wrist and hand while also providing additional leverage. The rubber grip features 3M Gripping Material which increases operator control while absorbing vibration. The durable composite cover extends to the base to decrease vibration and prevent cracked housings. An internal muffler protects operator hearing and a convenient thumb controlled speed dial reduces unintended speed changes. Our elite random orbital sanders optimise sanding and surface preparation on wood, metal, fibreglass, composite materials as well as many other substrates. Also known as dual action (D/A) palm sanders, these tools rotate the abrasive disc and disc pad in two simultaneous overlapping oval patterns. This means no single abrasive particle follows the same path twice, producing a random scratch and swirl-free finish ready for paint or varnish.
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