The 3M™ Hookit™ Disc Pad is designed to securely hold a 3M Hookit sanding or finishing disc and our Finesse-it buffing pad, to a variety of hand-held sanding tools. It features a 45° tapered edge to allow the sanded area to be feather-edged or more easily blended.
To hold a 3M™ Hookit™ sanding or finishing disc – or 3M™ Finesse-it™ buffing pad, securely in place on a variety of hand held sanding tools, use 3M™ Hookit™ Disc Pad. Our disc pad grips the brushed nylon loop backings of 3M Hookit discs to offer a finer finish than adhesive backed discs. The 3M Hookit hook-and-loop feature makes disc attachment, removal and re-attachment easy and allows the disc to be used repeatedly for the extent of the abrasive life. The discs or pads are secured with a ‘J’ shaped hook typically used in every day hook-and-loop applications. Our disc pad features a 45° tapered edge which offers flexibility and allows the sanded area to be feather-edged or more easily blended. The Hookit system is designed for work spaces where adhesive backed discs may become contaminated by dust, dirt or flying debris.
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