Disk 3M™ Cubitron™ II Hookit™ 947A ponúka revolučný výkon s zrnom 3M Precision Shaped Grain na podložke z polyesterovej bavlny hmotnostnej triedy X. Náš vysokovýkonný disk obsahuje brúsnu vrstvu Grinding Aid, vďaka čomu je ideálny pre stredne až vysokotlakové aplikácie na nehrdzavejúcu oceľ a ďalšie zliatiny, spolu s uhlíkovou oceľou, kobaltovým chrómom a zliatinami niklu.
Use 3M™ Cubitron™ II Hookit™ Cloth Disc 947A to cut cooler, faster, and for longer on a variety of substrates. Our discs feature 3M Precision Shaped Grain, easily slicing through metal using 3M micro replication technology to form constantly sharp peaks. The X-Weight poly-cotton backing delivers outstanding tear resistance, flexibility, and a consistent, uniform finish. 947A discs are available in a range of grades to meet the most demanding job requirements. Grades 40+ and 60+ can be used for many specialised construction applications, such as shaping and dimensioning fibreglass architectural elements. Grades 80+ and 120+ are ideal for levelling and blending the metal surface especially in automotive ‘body-in-white” applications. Convenient Hookit discs are ideal for high volume, quick change operations. They’re easy to attach and easy to remove, they leave a clean surface for the next disc.