3M™ Cubitron™ II Fibre Disc 987C

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Engineered to cut faster and last longer than competitive ceramic products

Stiff fibre backing and strong resin bond provide durability and tear resistance during heavyweight applications

Contains 3M Precision Shaped Grain which runs significantly cooler and longer than rival products, completing more parts per disc for less disc changes

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  • Engineered to cut faster and last longer than competitive ceramic products
  • Stiff fibre backing and strong resin bond provide durability and tear resistance during heavyweight applications
  • Contains 3M Precision Shaped Grain which runs significantly cooler and longer than rival products, completing more parts per disc for less disc changes
  • Incorporated grinding aid reduces grinding temperatures on heat sensitive alloys, increasing longevity
  • Rigid hub offers firm support to fibre disc face plate
  • Buy disc pad face plates and fibre discs separately

3M™ Cubitron™ II Fibre Disc 987C gives a higher cut rate, greater durability and longer life than other fibre discs and grinding discs. Our discs use 3M Precision Shaped Grain combined with a stiff fibre backing for increased productivity on medium to heavy duty operations.

Use 3M™ Cubitron™ II Fibre Disc 987C to generate exceptionally high cut-rates with less pressure, allowing operators to finish tough tasks with minimal fatigue. Our heavy duty discs are ideal for weld removal, bevelling, grinding and blending. A grinding aid on the disc makes this an outstanding product for all types of metal. It helps keep the disc cooler on stainless steel and heat sensitive metals such as nickel alloys and titanium, reducing metal discolouration and oxidation as well as the chance of heat related stress cracks. This means our discs can outlast and out-cut rival products. They contain 3M Precision Shaped Grain which forms into triangular points that slice through metal rather than gouging or ploughing like traditional abrasives. These points continuously self-sharpen as they fracture, generating an extremely fast cut. Our discs feature a tough, stiff backing made from vulcanized fibre that resists wear and can handle tough grinding applications. They’re ideal for removing mill scale, pits and imperfections.

Typical Properties

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