3M™ Thermally Conductive Interface Tape 8926 is a pressure sensitive tape designed to have good converting ability, handing and re-workability through the introduction of a thin PET carrier. 3M tape series 8926 is designed with a soft acrylic polymer and multiple thickness options to allow excellent wet-out or conformability to many surfaces.
3M™ Thermally Conductive Interface Tape 8926 Series has 0.20mm, 0.25mm, and0.50mm thick pressure sensitive adhesive tapes filled with thermally conductive ceramic particles. These products are designed to have good converting ability, handing and re-workability through the introduction of a thin PET carrier. 3M tape series 8926 is designed with a soft acrylic polymer and multiple thickness options to allow excellent wet-out or conformability to many surfaces. The tape series has good adhesion performance to many substrate types and has excellent dielectric performance.
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