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3M™ Aura™ Particulate Healthcare Respirator Series 1800+ feature a low breathing resistance filter media in an ergonomic, flat-fold, 3-panel design that’s engineered to fit a broad variety of face shapes and sizes. Available in FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 protection, these comfortable respirators are for use in medical environments where health care workers will be exposed to hazardous particulate contaminants.
Use 3M™ Aura™ Particulate Healthcare Respirator Series 1800+ for comfortable breathing protection against hazardous contaminants in medical environments. Our particulate respirators feature a low breathing resistance filter media in an ergonomic, flat-fold 3-panel design that allows for greater facial movement and fits to a broad variety of face shapes and sizes. The sculpted upper panel works with the contours of the face and with the large, soft nose foam and integrated nose clip, creates an effective seal. Valved and shrouded valve respirators are available in the range, helping decrease heat build-up and misting, and protecting the wearer from inhaling airborne micro-organisms. The 1800+ series respirators also have colour-coded headbands, indicating the level of protection offered: yellow for FFP1 (NPF4), blue for FFP2 (NPF 12) and red for FFP3 (NPF 50). They’re individually packed in hygienic wrapping to protect against contamination before use, and their foldable design makes them easy to store when not in use. Designed to work well with 3M Eyewear and Hearing Protection products.
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