The 3M™ Particulate Respirator 8000 Series is our range of cup-shaped respirators, with a lightweight, twin-strap design. They provide FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 respiratory protection, with a convex shape, nose foam and adjustable nose clip that helps you get a comfortable fit across a broad range of face sizes.
Get protection against hazardous dusts and mists, with 3M™ Particulate Respirators 8000 Series. Our robust, cup-shaped respirators provide FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 protection and feature a soft, cushioned lining for lasting comfort throughout your work shift. They have a lightweight, twin-strap design, nose clip, soft edge (the area in contact with the face) and nose foam helps fit a broad range of faces. The 3M Advanced Electret (filter) Media (AEM) aids users in breathing easily, and some of the range is available with 3M™ Cool Flow™ Valve, reducing heat build-up for users working in hot and humid conditions. The braided, colour-coded headbands help you identify the protection level offered: yellow for FFP1 (NPF 4), blue for FFP2 (NPF 12) and red for FFP3 (NPF 50). They’re designed to work well with 3M Eyewear and Hearing Protection products.
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