3M™ Automotive Window Films, Crystalline Series

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Rejects up to 60% of solar energy and up to 97% of heat producing infrared rays

Allows visible light into your vehicle while keeping heat out – see clearly and safely

Reduces reliance on air conditioning and decreases fuel consumption

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  • Rejects up to 60% of solar energy and up to 97% of heat producing infrared rays
  • Allows visible light into your vehicle while keeping heat out – see clearly and safely
  • Reduces reliance on air conditioning and decreases fuel consumption
  • Durable with no colour fade - never turns purple
  • Blocks up to 99% of harmful ultraviolet (UV) light providing up to 1000 SPF (sun protection factor)
  • Non-metallised to keep you connected with mobile devices, GPS or satellite radio reception without interference

3M™ Automotive Window Films, Crystalline Series are our premium light non-metallised window films that reject more heat than many dark films, and allow you to see clearly and safely. They provide sun protection factor (SPF) of up to 1000.

3M™ Automotive Window Films, Crystalline Series blocks ultraviolet (UV) rays from interiors while maintaining your vehicle’s original appearance. Our window films reject up to 60% of solar energy and up to 97% of heat producing infrared rays for enhanced comfort, reduced reliance on air conditioning and decreased fuel consumption. By blocking up to 99% of UV light these films provide a total sun protection factor (SPF) of up to 1000, not only keeping you and your passengers more comfortable, but also protecting your vehicle’s interiors from fading. Designed to enhance your view by allowing visible light into your vehicle while keeping heat out, you can see clearly and safely. These films are durable, won’t turn purple, and allow you to stay connected with mobile devices, GPS or satellite radio reception without interference.


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