3M™ Low Range Oil Quality Test Strips

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Monitor strips providing rapid measurement of free fatty acid content up to 2.5 per cent

The colour marks on the test strip indicate how high the percentage is.

This is the ideal process for major fast food chains who always use the same oil and only single fry.

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  • Monitor strips providing rapid measurement of free fatty acid content up to 2.5 per cent
  • The colour marks on the test strip indicate how high the percentage is
  • This is the ideal process for major fast food chains who always use the same oil and only single fry
  • The standard range of shortening monitoring strips is also available and measures free fatty acid content up to 7 per cent

When a more precise reading of early degradation of oil is desired, try the 3M™ Low Range Oil Quality Test Strips. This strip measures free fatty acid concentrations at 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5%. Ideal for food processing applications or to help meet regulatory requirements.

3M™ LRSM strip is dipped into shortening at operating temperature. By simply counting the number of yellow bands, the stage of shortening breakdown is indirectly determined. As shortening breaks down, the free fatty acid concentration increases, causing a greater number of bands on the 3M™ LRSM strip to change color. A blue band will change completely to yellow at a specific free fatty acid concentration.


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